Scottish Open Volleyball Tournament sum up.
Another fantastic weekend for GOVC members and our friends from Glasgow!
This time we travelled to Perth to participate in the Scottish Open Volleyball Tournament.
The tournament in Perth is one of the largest of its kind in the UK, and it attracts hundreds of players from around the world.
Over 30 outdoor courts have been set up to run the matches in seven different categories!
Congratulations to the trophy winners:
- Mix division 2: WTF (WIN THE FINALS)
- Mix division 3: NO TROPHY, NO CRY


Glasgow Tigers

Las Qurvas II

Power is Power

Las Qurvas

Another fantastic day with Glasgow Outdoor Volleyball Club hosting its first outdoor adults’ tournament this season! It was a long day culminated in extremely exciting and tight medal games.Congratulations to our medallists and MVP players:
1st place – Set in nice
2nd place – Super Sparrows
3rd place – Sugar Babies
Female MVP: Prokop Magdalena
Male MVP: Iliyan Kalphov
Massive thank you to our fabulous volunteers and referees for stepping up to help during the tournament, and to all participants, our friends, and spectators for joining us on Sunday - without you, none of this would have been possible. Thanks to our fantastic photographer RJ Remo.

GOVC Summer Junior Academy
Summer Junior Academy Sum Up.At the beginning of Summer GOVC opened a Juniors Academy for 13-17 yr. The space was limited to up to 16 members. We can confirm that all the rooms were taken and we are extremely happy about it.
Trainings were running each Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 PM by 2 coaches
- Artur M.- Maciej G.(Wi De)During our 11 weeks, programme Juniors learned:
Dig, Volley, Set, Serve, Approach the attack, Spike, Position on the court, Attitiute during games, and Volleyball Warm up.
The trainings were combined with interesting activities and well-designed exercises to work on the above-mentioned parts.
The last training was a sum-up for all the students, we did a competition for the queen and king of the Summer Junior Academy 2022.
Congratulations to Sehr (Queen) and Luca (King) who earned the most points by working hard the whole summer and by attitude during training.Massive congratulations to each Junior for the effort and progress you made.
The students received certificates for finishing Summer Junior Academy.
I together with Artur see a huge potential in all of you and we are sure one day you will become great volleyball players.
What is next?
We heard good feedback from parents and participants and we would like to respond to it. Currently, GOVC is trying to organize a continuation of Junior Academy (indoor) for wintertime. Unfortunately, we cannot say yet if that's going to happen or not but the whole team is working on it and we will notify you as soon as we will get more information.
Thank you!
We would like to say a huge thank you to our coaches
Artur M.Maciej G. (Wi De)who put lots of heart, effort and time to make it work.
A big thank you to:
- Monika S.- Agnieszka I.- Rafal I.for helping during the whole academy, you were a massive help to coaches and juniors.
Thanks to
- Chao Xu for support in many aspects connected to Juniors.
Thanks to
- Mary and
- Wi De for the great photos and videos made during the Academy.
Thanks to all parents for trusting GOVC and for the great feedback.
And at last to all Juniors, as without you it would never work. Great job and hope to see you again soon!GOVC Team.

The summer in Scotland is over.
The days are shortening, the weather is worsening, and you can feel this in the air – ''the winter is coming.''
To say goodbye to the outdoor season, on 11 September 2022 Glasgow Outdoor Volleyball Club organised its last tournament this year.
12 teams participated in the event, and after the group stage, four teams secured their spot in the Champion`s Group.
The final result of the tournament is as follows:
1st place – Power is Power
2nd place – Sugar Babies
3rd place – Wyjaśniamy Lamusów
Big congratulations to the top teams and thank you all for the great excitement and effort during the tournament. You have been all superb and showed a very good level of volleyball.
We are going to announce our plans for the winter season shortly.
Stay tuned!
GOVC Team.
1st Place - Power is Power

2nd Place - Sugar Babies

3rd Place - Wyjasniamy Lamusow

GOVC For Ukraine Tournament Sum Up
Thank you everyone for participating in our last tournament.
We were collecting money for Ukraine andwe managed to collect £403,58 from entries and food sales.
All the money will be transferred to the company that’s helping Ukrainians directly in Ukraine.
– Grace Tea https://www.gracetea.org/
Well done to the all teams, great effort was made and you all did amazing. The final results are as follows:
Division One:
1st – Team Name
2nd- Wine, Vodka and Chicken Kiev
3rd – Cossacks
Division Two:
1st- Unprotected Sets
Congratulations to the winners!
Thanks to Agnieszka Napierala for organising the barbecue.
Thanks to Chao Xu for continued support for the Club, and Glasgow Life for accommodatingthe event.
A massive thank you to Mary, Klaudia and Monika Sajkowska for volunteering and for the bakery they made.
Thank you to all people who came this day to play and support Ukraine by donating money.
This small action will make someone's life better.
The next tournament 11 September. Stay tuned!
1st place div one - Team Name

2nd place div one - Wine, Vodka and Chicken Kiev

3rd place div one - Cossacks

1st place div two - Unprotected Sets

What a day that was!
On 24 July 2022 Glasgow Outdoor Volleyball Club organised its second outdoor volleyball tournament this season. A special thanks to who celebrated his birthday on the day. Marek has been organising volleyball tournaments for his birthday since 2018, and he did a fantastic job supporting us in organising and running the event on Sunday. Despite some very unpleasant weather, the tournament was a big success. 19 teams, amounting around 100 volleyball players, participated in the event! Thanks to everyone who came along and got stuck with us in the rain. You all showed big motivation and great performance during the competition.
The teams were competing in two Divisions, and the final results are as follows:
DIVISION ONE top three:
1st place – Unnamed Team – a special congratulations as Unnamed Team remains undefeated this season!
2nd place – All Spike Long
3rd place – Kulasy
DIVISION TWO top three:
1st place – Volleywood
2nd place – Unprotected Sets
3rd place – Everest
Congratulations to the winners!
Thanks to Agnieszka Napierala for organising the barbecue and bringing over a big umbrella – it made a good use for some of us when the rain was pouring down.
Thanks to Chao Xu for continued support for the Club, and Glasgow Life for accommodating the event.
The next tournaments will take place on 21 August and 11 September. Stay tuned!
DIVISION ONE 1st place - Unnamed Team

DIVISION ONE 2nd place - All Spike Long

DIVISION ONE 3rd place - Kulasy

DIVISION TWO 1st place - Volleywood

DIVISION TWO 2nd place - Unprotected Sets

DIVISION TWO 3rd place - Everest

19 Jun 2022
Summary of Glasgow Open Mix Tournament
On 19 June 2022 Glasgow Outdoor Volleyball Club organised the Glasgow Open Mix Tournament in Queen`s Park Bowling Centre. The tournament attracted around 60 volleyball players, and it was a very busy and fun event full of positive volleyball vibes.
Classification of top three teams is as follows:
1st place – Unnamed Team
2nd place – Sugar Babies
3rd place – Brave Soldiers
Additionally, we would want to recognise two teams:
Notorious DIG – only one female team in the competition. Girls represented a good team spirit and put up a good fight against very strong teams!
As we are celebrating a Pride Month, we are also pleased to recognise a Rainbow Team created by members of our LGBT+ volleyball community. Beautiful initiative and great effort during the competition!Thanks very much for Glasgow Life for kindly supporting and accommodating the event.
1st place – Unnamed Team

2nd place – Sugar Babies

3rd place – Brave Soldiers
